Who we are

We are students from two classes of 4th of ESO A and B in the High School Joan Segura i Valls, in Santa Coloma de Queralt (Catalonia). We are 15-16 years old and we are studying the last year. We are so interested in this project because we want to change our town first; and in the future, the world. To make all these changes we would like to turn Santa Coloma into a transition town.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I am a teacher in Portland, Oregon, and we have done a Transition Town unit just like your school did. Please visit our blog and leave comments! Thank you.


    --Carter Latendresse
    Sixth Grade English & Garden Coordinator
    Catlin Gabel School
    Portland, OR. 97219 USA

  2. Hi I'm A middle schooler at Catlin Gabel, and recently we made a blog just like this and it would be cool if you guys could take a look at it. Here is a link http://transitiontownpdx.blogspot.com/

  3. Hello,
    I am a sixth grader at Catlin Gabel School, Portland, OR. Our English class also has a transition town PDX blog, and we would love it if you could give it a view and comment!


    Thank you for considering,

  4. Hello! I am a 6th grader named James at Catlin Gabel school. We have also made a blog like this at our school. I think you would would like our blog, so can you maybe view it and leave a comment? Here is the link: http://transitiontownpdx.blogspot.com/


  5. Hello, I am a 11 years old and I go to Catlin Gabel School, my name is Phoebe and I Love your blog, You should visit our blog! http://transitiontownpdx.blogspot.com/
    :) :P
