23 dic 2011


The Time Banking is a new way to do activities and learn with other people but you don't pay with money but with time. You have to enrole on a list offering an activity you can do and then you recieve a ticket which allows you to choose an activity offered by another person. It's a good philosofy of life nowadays since we are in crisis. So we decided to organize a Time Banking in the high school. Monik is the responsible of the list and the tickets. For any enquiries and suggestions, we are on facebook too.

For more information see the Activities section 3

21 dic 2011


On the 20th of  November the Associació de Dones Colomines of Santa Coloma de Queralt organized a talk about sustanibility by Toni Rius, a chemistry professor helped by three students of Joan Segura i Valls (see the activities section for more information). The oil hasn't got a subtitute so we have to look for another energies which doesn't produced any pollution.

For more information see Activites section 1

13 dic 2011

The transition movement started in Kinsale and  later in Totnes by the hand of Rob Hopkins. In 2001 he began teaching a Practical Sustainablity course  at the Community College in Kinsale Ireland, based on the principles of Permaculture. As you can see, England is the country with most transition initiatives.


10 dic 2011

Research work about transition towns

On the 16th November 2011, Núria, Laia and Mònica, three students of 4th ESO, working on their Treball de Recerca about TRANSITION TOWNS gave their classmates in the same year a brushstroke about what transition initiatives are, as the whole class is starting an English project about the same topic. With the project we would like to visit some pioneering English Transition towns. 

For more information see What is it tab