The decrease of the material resources availability and fossil energy in the world is a fact. One day oil is going to be scarced, also natural gas, some other fossil fuels, raw material and other natural resources. And all because we are consuming them at a higher velocity and the Earth hasn’t got infinite resources.
In front of that dilemma of what to do thinking in the future of the next generations, there are several options: one of them is the transition towns project. It’s a citizen initiative which is based on people’s participation and directed by people,too; its objective is to rationalize the energetic consumption and also the resources consumption reducing the impact on the planet, improving the current and the future generations wellness. It is to achieve a stronger community that doesn’t depend of external factors to satisfy their own needs, more participative and more enriching.
A group of persons talk about it and get information. They start doing little things, like reducing light consumption in houses, using public transport,... And they exchange skills: I fix your bike, you help me with the garden, I teach you maths, you help me to talk in English, I teach you how to make marmalade,... And so they share knowledge and experiences.
And some routines start to change: consuming more local products, using renewable energy sources,... This way, the process grows slowly, like plants. More people get involved. Every time we can live better in the town consuming less resource, causing less impacts, being less vulnerable to the external facts (resilience increases), acting together with a community behaviour, and everyone feels participatory, motivated and more enriched as a person.
We are already... in transition.